The community council of Postbauer-Heng in Bavaria, Germany decided with unanimous vote: “The town Postbauer-Heng commits itself to the goals of ECG and prepares an ECG balance sheet. Professional consultants shall support the process. The goal is to create an ECG balance sheet for Postbauer-Heng in the years 2020/2021”.

Dr. Isabella Klien from Salzburg, Austria and Thomas Mönius from Nuremberg, Germany both certified ECG consultants, introduced the basics of ECG and potential subsequent steps for Postbauer-Heng during the opening meeting of the community council.

How has it come to this?

In February 2019, an information evening about ECG took place at a castle in Postbauer-Heng, organized and initiated by the cultural committee. Gunther Moll, Günter Grzega and Sarah Benecke convinced not only the interested audience, but also the members of the town’s council who were present.