Over 100 millionaires and billionaires have signed a petition that calls for taxing the rich. Amongst them one of the Economy for the Common Good (ECG) members, Gerd Hofielen, representative of the ECG at the European Financial Advisory Board.

While the world has gone through an immense amount of suffering in the last two years, the wealthiest 1% have actually seen their wealth rise during the pandemic. This injustice baked into the foundation of the international tax system has created a colossal lack of trust between the people of the world and the elites who are the architects of this system.

The campaign “in tax we trust” powered by The Patriotic Millionaires, Millionaires For Humanity, and TAX ME NOW. makes a clear statement by saying “Tax us, the rich, and tax us now.”

For more information on the campaign and signatories, visit www.intaxwetrust.org

Image credits: World Economic Forum via Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA).