Hamburg chapter celebrates 10th anniversary and sends out a strong signal to city politics.

Hamburg is one of the wealthiest cities in the world. Despite this, an above-average number of Hamburg residents are at risk of poverty – in work, in old age and among children. No surprise then that the Economy for the Common Good (ECG) was warmly received soon after its launch in 2010. On August 18, Hamburg’s ECG chapter celebrated its 10th anniversary with around 300 highly motivated guests. There were numerous representatives from business and civil society who are already integrating sustainability practices in their work and communities.

ECG founder Christian Felber delivered the keynote speech in which he urgently called for tighter measures to be included in the upcoming EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting standards, which already fall behind expectations and risks missing the golden opportunity to hold companies to account for their actions towards people and the environment at such a critical time. Felber announced an upcoming campaign in which the ECG will urge country legislators to use the Common Good Balance Sheet, a model that has been tried and tested in practice for years, as a model to optimize the EU directive. The 10th anniversary sent out a strong signal to city politics and proved the powerful liveliness of one of ECG´s largest chapters.