2023 AEMS Opening Event. Image credits: @Nina Hainfellne

The Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems (AEMS) is an intensive and interdisciplinary summer learning experience that focuses on offering its students unique perspectives from New Economies through innovative approaches directly from experts that are taking these ideas from theory to practice in their respective areas of work. This summer university is a combined effort to create an academically open event for students and professionals from all walks of life: The program takes place annually in Vienna and is organized as a not-for-profit cooperation project between OeAD student housing, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) and representatives of the Economy for the Common Good (ECG).

The AEMS summer school presents and discusses the state of the art in alternative economic and monetary systems. There is overwhelming evidence, that the current economic model based on everlasting economic growth is destroying the ecosystem of our planet and contributing to the global climate crisis. Therefore, the summer school wants to shed light on approaches and reform proposals that can make a real difference. AEMS offers room for critical thinking and the possibility to openly discuss and deconstruct ideas and concepts with distinguished experts from various scientific fields. Lectures, workshops and discussion panels enable the participants to acquire a deeper understanding of the intricate interactions of society, ecology and economy.

In 2023 the three-week program takes place for the 10th time already. After successful completion, the international participants receive a certificate from BOKU University, awarding them with 5 ECTS points, which equals 125 study hours. The activities and content of the course are updated from one edition to the next, to make sure the conversation and information provided stays relevant. ECG Founder Christian Felber was among the lecturers and scholars of the programmef or this year and also participated as one of the invited speakers in the panel discussion “Sovereign money, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and Modern monetary theory (MMT): Uniting fiscal and monetary policy to combat climate change”.

Recording of panel discussion “Sovereign Money, CBDC and MMT – Uniting fiscal and monetary policy to combat climate change” available here.

Learn more about AEMS