News & coming events

  • ECG III International Conference has been a success! Do you want to know what happened? Find out in our Newsletter below.
  • Read our latest newsletter (July 2024)
  • What’s going on? Find out on your country’s website
  • Coming appearances and talks by Christian Felber

ECG Conferences

Call for hosting our IV ECG IC 2026

We are preparing the call for hosts for the IV ECG International Conference. We are looking for intereseted Universities around the world. Keep tuned to this site for upcoming information.

Key dates:

  • Tender publication: September 2024
  • Hosting candidates submission deadline: December 2024
  • Consortium selection: February 2025

What happened at the 3rd ECG International Conference?

We want to extend our most sincerest thank you to all of you who showed interest and resonated with our III ECG International Conference, last 3rd through 5th of June in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands. We appreciate the energy from both those who created and shared their knowledge, as well as those eager to learn more, connect and grow the movement. You all created a magic vibrancy that will stay with us for long, and made of the conference a great success.
The event was organized by a host consortium made up of Wetsus, the European Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology; the two regional Universities NHL Stenden and Hanzengoheschool Groningen, and the Science and Research Hub of the International Federation of the ECG.
The first day was dedicated to scientific and poster presentations with an academic focus. The second day hinged on practical cases and experiences. The third and last day had an applied orientation: in participatory workshops, we asked assistants to share their ideas, learnings and experiences gathered along the previous two days, and to converge into action points and research objectives.
Watch here the aftermovie of the event!
The main dish of this international conference was served by the representatives of five ‘alternative’ economic movements who converged in the Monday evening round table. Considered a historical milestone by many of the participants, Christian Felber (ECG) sat next to, Jason Nardi (Social and Solidary Economy), Kate Raworth (Doughnut Economics), Lebohang Liepollo Pheko (Wellbeing, Decolonial and Feminist Economics), and Paul Schenderling (postgrowth), in a constructive session fluently and subtly moderated by Katy Wiese, Policy Manager for Economic Transition and Gender Equality with the European Environmental Bureau.
We’ll publish the highlights video of this event soon! Stay tuned!

The conference in numbers

  • 230 participants from more than 12 countries
  • 8 keynote speakers
  • 1 round table with the 5 representatives of real economic models: well being, care, doughnut, social and solidarity, and the ECG.
  • 44 presentations of scientific papers
  • 8 posters
  • 10 practical cases
  • 1 future-fit economy to develop
  • Plenty (not a number, we know… not a quantifiable pluriverse) of alternatives

Want to know more about our conferences? Contact us!


Teaching – spreading the knowledge

Photo by: Jordan Rowland

We consider the transfer of knowledge a key aspect to ECG science and research. Check the academic offer on ECG, which includes the lists of courses offered by the ECG movement and of studies related to ECG.

Interested in developing your own ECG course or knowledge-sharing event? Let us know about it!




Photo by: Mark König

We believe in the development of new knowledge about ECG through collaboration, inter- and transdisciplinarity. We therefore promote ECG research and science that serve the common good, and invite whoever is interested in developing their own studies to use our resources as they find convenient.

You have a research project in mind or would like to collaborate in one? Get in contact with us



The ECG is composed of an ample community of people and practitioners from all walks of life as well as scientists from all disciplines. And we invite everyone interested to join us in the transformation of our socio-economy.

Want to be part of our community? Working on something related to ECG? Tell us about it!



Do you want to be informed about Science & Research activities on ECG? You’ll like our quarterly newsletters then!

  • Read our latest newsletter (July 2024)
  • Also, check out our previous newsletters
  • Sign up for the newsletter by simply sending an email to and answering the email you receive (check your Spam folder too!)   –  we will use your contact information to send our newsletter only, in no case will we give it to third-parties; you can read our Data Protection Policy (German only!) for further information

About the hub

The ECG Science and Research Hub is a collaborative and co-creative community within the broader ECG movement and neighboured alternative economic approaches, including all types of heterodox economics (from ecological to feminist to institutional or Neokeynesian economics) and all branches of science and scientists concerned with sustainability, social justice, human rights, gender, post-growth, post-colonialism, peaceful international relations, mindfulness and ethics. Its members deal with the ECG model in research, teaching & training, (self-)application, discourse and public dissemination.

Check out other ECG Hubs!

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