Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems (AEMS) is a non-profit, interdisciplinary academic project that aims to contribute to the active economic and social reform currents and discussions. It was born from a combined effort between OeAD student housing, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) and the Economy for the Common Good (ECG).

This Summer School in Vienna offers students and professionals from all fields a holistic approach to sustainability and a fresh outlook on the interconnections between economy, society and the environment. The academic program comprises lectures, discussions and workshops, as well as extracurricular activities.

The contents are updated an adapted from one year to the next, to make sure the conversation and information provided stays relevant and topical. This year, the curriculum comprises a Preparatory Phase, with introductory literature and exercises, as well as a Lecture Phase divided in 4 modules:

  1. Economics With Social And Ecological Values
  2. Society, Money and Institutions
  3. Towards A Social Ecological Economy: Transforming businesses and banks
  4. Wrap-Up and Synthesis

The lecturers include scholars from the BOKU, Vienna University of Economics and Business and ECG Founder Christian Felber.

There is no alternative for alternative!

The AEMS Summer School 2022 will take place from July 18 to August 5, 2022 in Vienna. Applicants are required to be at least 18 years old and be proficient in English. This course is open to international students from all fields with an interest in economic reform. Highly qualified students can opt for financial aid up to May 2nd.

Registration is still open. Apply now!

Register for the public opening event or find more information here.