After last year’s success, the Local Chapter in Italy is now launching the second edition of the national ECG TOUR 2022: Journey into the Common Good Matrix. Discovering the sense of business. This online event consists of a series of webinars focusing on different ECG Matrix themes. These virtual meetings include a short theoretical pill on the subject, a set of companies to share best practices on that specific topic and a Q&A session allowing for participant interaction.

Last year, the ECG TOUR 2021 gathered around 80 participants from all around Italy for their 12 virtual conferences. This year, the ECG Tour 2022 will take attendants on a journey of 6 stages to discover and deepen the foundations of a society based on the values of human dignity, equity, solidarity, environmental sustainability , transparency and democratic co-determination.

In fact, the idea is to dedicate a conference to each of the main ECG pillars, such as democratic bank and complementary currencies; participatory democracy; universal income and the school revolution to prepare citizens for this socio-economic model based on values; human dignity; solidarity and social justice; environmental sustainability; transparency and democratic co-determination. Such broad topics will be approached by involving real actors that currently work in such areas in Italy, and are therefore able to share their experiences.

The webinar starting on 16 February 2022 is held in Italian and open for all interested public, no previous knowledge necessary. It offers:

  • An opportunity to reflect and draw inspiration from good practices at local and global levels;
  • The possibility to exchange knowledge with speakers and witnesses through the Q&A;
  • Flexibility of access to a short and effective online event from wherever you are.

Learn more out about programme information and registration.