Building Better Business (BBB) is an online certification programme that aims at accelerating impact-minded businesses to create both financial and social value in the greater Amsterdam region. It is an initiative developed by Amsterdam Impact, a four-year programme by the City of Amsterdam to support and strengthen the corporate ecosystem, from social enterprises to socially responsible businesses.

To achieve this goal, the City of Amsterdam co-created the BBB programme to help profitable companies accelerate their social and environmental impact and get officially certified for their performance. Program completion allows businesses to formalise their social impact ambitions and make the transition to a sustainable business model.

Participants can choose between the B Corp Track and the Economy for the Common Good (ECG) Track. The ECG Track differentiates itself by stimulating companies to develop their own custom-made impact approaches. It will help organisations to:

  • Become change agents and adopt a key role in the transition to a more sustainable and inclusive economy.
  • Create both financial and social value.
  • Adopt and implement practical and specific reporting and management tools to effect social impact and achieve financial and environmental sustainability.
  • Align their primary objective and purposes to those of the ECG: a good life for everyone on a healthy planet.

The BBB Event officially starts in May 2022, but online Meetups are already open. During these virtual meetings, business representatives will have the opportunity to learn more about the BBB Programme and find out which path to certification works best for their companies.

For more information, visit the official website